If you are a person that has anything to do with designing environments--built or otherwise--I advise you not to miss this two day event because it will enlighten you about simple changes that can be made in your business practices that make monumental improvements in peoples lives, including possibly your own.
If you are a person who has any role in the transfer of real property from one owner to another, or the job of helping people find space that fit their needs and lifestyles, I again advise you to not miss this two day event because it will help you better understand and meet your clients needs and realize that universal design is an overlooked progressive practice that needs a roller coaster of support from the real estate and construction industries before a national housing crisis occurs.
If you are a person who plans to live as independently as possible for as long as you live, I can only implore you not to miss this event if attending is within your means because your life or at least the quality of your life may depend on it.
I went to my first Universal Design Summit in 2013 and told myself I was going to be a presenter at the next one so here we go. My daughter. Mia and I live the need for universal design and we are sharing what we know from living our lives to help people live theirs more comfortably and productively.
Universal design is an invaluable set of principles that when instilled in projects, contribute to building a culture of health, wellness and social participation. Some countries are already outstanding in their efforts to create more inclusive societies and enable their residents the ability to thrive as citizens as independently as possible. Others need to catch up and the US is one of them.
The entire world needs this so please spread the buzz. Universal means for all.
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