Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Why are we such Advocates for Universal Design? Because it is the way to building a culture of health and wellness through social participation and we know it.

While the need for UD is nationwide, the evidence in our own community is overwhelming
and literally stares us in the face when we visit our workspace.  

 The first photo is of a sign next to the City Hall garage directly across the street from our building
and a constant reminder of the need for positive change.

These signs are not very welcoming toward people living with disabilities or limited mobility although a few of them are directly across from the town Visitor Center and surround the park where a lot of festival activity happens multiple times a year.

This roll by shows two more of these intimidating reminders in a public park across from a public elementary school.  The new playground currently under construction does not appear to have been designed with access for all in mind, which puts kids with disabilities or limited movement at risk for injury and exclusion from their peers with regards to opportunities for social connectivity, outdoor recreation and just plain fun.

I have offered to help address the lack of accessibility in the town multiple times and have been told to hold on many of those so hopefully something will change soon. 

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